Author: Helen

America is a Nation in Transition

America is a Nation in Transition

At least 3 people killed and 11 others injured in Brazil school shootings

A lone gunman wearing body armor opened fire in the western city of Uberaba, sending students and teachers scurrying for cover. Authorities identified the suspect as a 14-year-old from Brazil who came to the United States as an unaccompanied minor last year. (June 4)

This is a very real possibility the United States will have to deal with in the next few decades as its population declines to below 100 million.

The future of the United States of America is a very bright, hopeful future. This is so despite the United States of America’s own impending decline which will be apparent in a few decades when America will no longer be the most powerful nation in the world.

This is so, because America has the capacity to adapt, innovate and rise above any threat that it will confront.

America possesses a large population. America possesses a large population which, when it begins to shrink, will be able to grow with little or no increase in its population. If America is to have a future and remain relevant, it has to grow, as the demographic picture it is facing will dictate that growth of the nation will be necessary.

The United States of America is not a nation in decline. America is a nation in transition. America is not a nation in decline, it is a nation moving towards a different type of America.

“I would say that America is a nation in transition, at least for those of us in the country of color.” — Charles Hamilton Houston, an African-American who worked in the federal government in Washington D.C., in his book I Have a Dream.

A nation in transition is a nation not moving into a different form of government, but instead moving into a different form of government. There is not a nation in transition when a government is changing its form, but when a nation is changing its form.

There is a nation in transition when a nation is changing its leadership, but when a nation is changing its leadership.

A nation in transition is a nation of change. A nation in transition is a nation moving toward a different type of leadership. A nation in transition is a nation moving toward a different type of government.

A nation in transition is a nation moving towards a more enlightened form of leadership. A nation in transition is a nation moving towards a

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