Author: Helen

The Election Is About Politics

The Election Is About Politics

Registered to vote? Today is last day for Californians to register online for Nov. 8 election (Getty Images)

I want you to think about how this story plays out as we head into the Nov. 8 election. It will be hard to understand what’s happening. It’s very difficult to imagine what’s happening. But this is the story — this is what we are dealing with.

When we look at what’s happening in the election, this is the story. We are not being told the story. We are being manipulated on a massive scale.

This election is about politics.

It’s about the future, how it affects all of us.

As voters, we want results. We want to know what will happen and what is at stake. As citizens, we want to know what our government does. We want to know what our government is for, so we can make decisions based on reality. All citizens should have access to the truth. Elections should be free of deception, and every citizen should have the right to believe and be involved in his/her government.

Every American should be able to know what is happening in this election. This is the story we are being told.

A recent study, by The Pew Research Center, reported that of 813,000 people surveyed over the past 12 months on a variety of topics:

Nearly one in four adults say they have no opinion regarding the 2016 presidential election.

Over half of Republicans (53 percent) say they will vote for Donald Trump, while nearly six in 10 Democrats (58 percent) say they will vote for Hillary Clinton in November.

More than eight in 10 say they disapprove of Trump’s job performance.

Three quarters of Republicans (74 percent) say they disapprove of Clinton’s job performance.

Eight in 10 Americans say the national debt is a serious political problem.

Nearly half (47 percent) of Republicans say the deficit isn’t a serious political problem, compared with 37 percent of Democrats.

The study makes clear that a large percentage of Americans are not informed about the election, and an even larger percentage do not believe any of the information they are told about it.

How did this happen?

The Pew study was conducted over the past 12 months, and the polling was taken by a random sample of US citizens. But only a small percentage of

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