Author: Helen

The Puffy Shirt: The Unsheltered Who Made Their Mark

The Puffy Shirt: The Unsheltered Who Made Their Mark

Pride, loss and second chances: L.A.’s unsheltered take stock before giving thanks

From the author of The Puffy Shirt to the man who owns the T-shirt, here is a look back at the unsheltered who have made their mark here.

The Puffy Shirt

Pablo Escobar, the world’s most wanted man, was shot and killed in a hotel bloodbath. Now, his daughter, Mariana, has emerged, a stunning looker who has a new appreciation for life.

From his first appearance on the covers of Uptown Funk to his first appearance on MTV, to the birth of his son, Efia, Escobar’s career as a fashion icon began at birth.

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Gangster? Who doesn’t want to be a gangster? Who doesn’t want to buy a Puffy Shirt?

The T-shirt

‘I got the idea for the T-shirt because I’m a huge gangster fan, and I wanted to pay homage to my heroes,’ says Mark Renton, owner of the ‘T-shirt shop’ in Echo Park and son of the late musician.

‘I got [Escobar’s] name tattooed on my right arm, in black ink, and then I took out the tattoo and put [his] face on a mannequin.

‘I took pictures of Efia when he was a little baby and I put it all together and put his face on the shirt.

‘I made it out of sweatshirt material – only I wasn’t going to make it right. I was going to make it ugly.’

One of only four places in the world where you can buy T-shirts and leather jacket with Escobar’s face on it (the other three are in Havana, Cuba and Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he has lived since escaping a prison)

Puffy has gained mainstream popularity and been worn by celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Mariah Carey.

The Puffy Shirt, which cost $200 to produce, has now gone on to sell more than 30 million pieces worldwide.


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